Written by Hannah Krafka, Marketing and Communications

We’ve told you can donate to St. Vincent de Paul on our website, but did you know these other ways to donate? Call the Development Office at (937)222-7349 ex 416 with any questions.

6. Thrivent Financial Members

thrivent-logoYou can now direct Thrivent Choice Dollars® to St. Vincent de Paul Social Services – Dayton District Council. It’s easy and a great way to support St. Vincent de Paul. Simply go to www.thrivent.com to direct Choice Dollars®. Contact Terry Powers, ChFC®, CLU®, FIC, Financial Consultant, at 937-660-9444 or [email protected] for more information.

5. Welzoo

Welzoo teddy

You don’t have to donate anything to raise funds with Welzoo. You only need to set Welzoo as your browser homepage and when you open a new internet browsing session, Welzoo will donate 3 cents to our mission.

4. Donate Your Vehicle

Short Car Donation

We accept most vehicles even if they do not run. The revenue we receive from the sale of all vehicles directly supports St. Vincent de Paul’s programs to assist the needy, so we ask that your donated vehicle be in sale-able condition. The vehicle must be equipped with all components, complete drive train, doors, wheels, decks, interior, etc. Call (937)222-5555 option 3 or fill out this form to schedule your pickup to drive Dayton forward.

3. Amazon Smile

Amazon smile logo

When you shop using Amazon Smile, Amazon will make a donation to St. Vincent de Paul.

2. Dorothy Lane Market


Dorothy Lane Market donates money to non-profit organizations through their Good Neighbor Program. Enroll yearly at www.dorothylane.com/ClubDLM/goodneighbor.pl and select 378 for St. Vincent de Paul.

1. Kroger

kroger community

Earn dollars for St. Vincent de Paul by yearly enrolling your Kroger Plus Cards at www.kroger.com/communityrewards  and choosing 82661.



Comment below if you know any other ways to donate we may have missed and don’t forget to share.  

Contact Us:
St. Vincent de Paul Dayton
124 West Apple St.
Dayton, OH 45402

Phone: 937.222.5555
Fax: 937.222.7944


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