In February 2019, the Rooster crowed with the dawning of a new book program within The St. Vincent de Paul Dayton area community thrift stores: “The Book Roost!”

While both the Edwin C. Moses and Salem Community Thrift Stores always had some books (less than 50 each at a time) this new library-like book section has grown to over 5,000 books collectively. Books that were once just placed on a shelf are now categorized so the shopper can more easily find a particular author or subject. After only a few short months, it was necessary to add more shelves to the Edwin C. Moses store due to the increase in books being donated.

In both stores, there is a child/teen section and an adult section. Customers have commented that they like the new book section, saying “it always looks nice.” Sales are growing! And this what we hoped for: To increase sales so we can best help our neighbors in need.

The Book Roost has even more plans and goals for expansion. Keep checking our blogs to learn when the Rooster will crow next!

And as always, A HUGE thank you to all of our donors for making this adventure happen. With bigger and better goals, we are always happy to take your unwanted books.

Contact Us:
St. Vincent de Paul Dayton
124 West Apple St.
Dayton, OH 45402

Phone: 937.222.5555
Fax: 937.222.7944


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