Photo by Keanu K on Unsplash.
“Thank you very much for all you’ve done. You are a part of this blessing. Without each and every one of you, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”
As I sat across from this man and listened to him repeat over and over what a blessing we all are, how much he loves each and every one of us (St. Vincent de Paul staff, volunteers, donors, and you, dear reader), I was deeply humbled. His joy was contagious. His gratitude heartfelt.
I had done nothing for this man directly, never met him before that interview when I had the privilege of hearing his story, how St. Vincent de Paul helped him get clean and start a new life. But he looked me in the eyes and genuinely thanked me, and he wanted me to thank you too.
Even though you don’t know him, the gift of your presence here—taking the time to read this, to say a prayer, to share your gift of time, money, or goods, to tell someone else about this mission—supports this man and so many like him.
We all—each and every one of us—make up the Body of Christ.
We are His hands and feet reaching out into the world to meet our sisters and brothers right where they are, to be with them, to help them where we can, to let them know they are not alone and that they are loved.
We all have a unique role to play in sharing God’s love with the world.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for joining us at St. Vincent de Paul in whatever capacity you feel called. Never forget that you are loved.
Jackie, St. Vincent de Paul Society Dayton