6 Signs You Support St Vincent de Paul

Written by Hannah Krafka, Marketing and Communications 6. You don’t waste anything Have you ever wondered what happens to all the clothing, shoes, purses, belts and linens that have finally outlived… Posted by St. Vincent de Paul – Dayton District...

What is a Home Visit?

Meeting People Where they Live:  The Home Visit and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Written by Sunnie Lain, Coordinator of Vincentian Support Services From the Rule of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul:  “From the Society’s beginning, the central and most basic...

A Family Legacy of Support

Written by Hannah Krafka, Marketing and Communications Frank* has regularly volunteered at St. Vincent de Paul for over five years. He’s done everything from greet donors at the donation dock, assist at the front desk in the shelter, to occasionally serve meals in the...

Dick Neff Remembers Gene Westendorf

One of the co-chairs of the 20th Annual Gene Westendorf Memorial Golf Tournament shares why the event means so much to him: I am honored to have known Gene Westendorf so well.  Gene was my best friend, brother-in-law and role model.  He was a true inspiration to me! ...